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Local Special-Employee/Staff Sound Bath

A musical wellness experience that helps co-workers feel great and brings everyone closer together.

  • 1 hour
  • 222 US dollars
  • Customer's Place

Service Description

This unique experience is tailored to support the health and well-being of employees and staff. Providing a tranquil and calming experience to promote health and wellness using the vibrational frequencies from playing seven chakra-colored quartz crystal singing bowls. Sound baths are a great way to support your work force. Assisting them to naturally de-stress, support healthy sleep patterns, relieves the symptoms of SAD, anxiety, PTSD, depression, improves communication, lowers blood pressure, and so much more!! Offering this special experience to your employees and support staff helps to create connections, providing everyone something to share in, as well as improve the overall work environment. The entire experience takes Sirah around an hour. She includes a chit chat about sound healing, a full 30 minute crystal singing bowls sound bath, followed by a Q and A session. She will bring everything she needs to create an amazing wellness experience. *She does ask that you provide yoga matts, gym matts or some type of cushion for people to lay down on. Many people have their own personal mat that they are welcome to bring from home. This service is offered to local businesses and companies of Bend Oregon. Thank you for understanding. Booking this service means you have read and agreed to EzraAlya Disclaimer.

Sirah Kreitzer

541 668 1716

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