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Past And Present Home Sound Clearing

The clearing of negative, stagnant energies with sound frequency for protection and abundance.

  • 3 hours
  • 299 US dollars
  • Customer's Place

Service Description

Let me help you clear and bless the energies of your past and present homes through the power of music and sound frequency. With my Past And Present New Home Sound Clearing service, we can create a harmonious and positive environment for your new living space as well as clean up any energy you left behind in your past home. One of Sirah's specialty is removing old, unwanted, heavy energies from spaces, ushering them out and sending them on their energetical way. She has many different ways of doing this, but one of her favorite and most potent is to clear out energies using sound vibrations. By playing her 7 chakra colored quartz crystal singing bowls, creating harmonies and disharmonies that gently remove any unwanted energies from the space and sending them back to Mother Nature and the Universal Powers That Be. Sirah will use her utmost discretion while being in your past and future sacred space. Cleansing it with honor, and holding space with love and compassion. The entire process takes around 60 minutes per home, not including travel time between each property. This service is set up so that each house receives Sound Clearing within the same day. Closing and wrapping up their energy at the past home, and setting intention at the new. Special scheduling requests may be accommodated by emailing Sirah directly at Feel free to message Sirah during check out with any special Intentions you would like her to set during your appointment. Congratulations on your new home and this very special chapter in your life. Please note: Adults only (18+) on the property during your hour long session, and please make arrangements for your pets to be out of the house. Thank you for understanding. Booking this service means you have read and agreed to EzraAlya Disclaimer.

Sirah Kreitzer

541 668 1716

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